1. Fork Gear Shift NO.1 25211-05200
2. Fork Gear Shift NO.3 25231-05201
3. Shafts, Gears, and Shifts 25411-05201
4. Shaft, Shift, Fork 25421-35403
6. gear shift cam driven 25322-31301
7. Foul Gear Shaft NO.1 25323-34201
8. Pole, gear, shift, 2 times 25324-34201
9. pin "gear" shift 09261-05003
10. spring 09440-04003
11. lift, gear shift pole 25331-30001JS
12. Screw, (M6x12) 02122-06123JS
13. Guide gear shifting 25341-05200
14. Screw, (M6x12) 02122-06123JS
15. stopper comp, gearshift cam 25350KG7200
16. bolt, gear, shift, cam 09111-06019
17. washers, gears, shifts, and cams 08211-06141
18. spring 09443H12002JS
20. Stopper, Gear, Shift, Cam 25671-01000
21. Plate, gearshift cam stopper 25381KG7200
22. Pins, Gears, Shafts, and Cams 04221-04069